Commercial & Residential Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Removal
Don Wood Inc. has been conducting underground storage tank (UST), underground gas tank assessments, installations, removals and closures for retail gas stations, state and county governments, manufacturers, real estate companies, and the owners and operators of commercial and industrial sites for decades.
We have completed hundreds of Underground Storage Tank removals and closures and have a very high success rate for obtaining a "no further action required" status from state regulators.
Whether you have a small underground home heating oil tank, or a gas station with multiple 10,000+ gallon UST’s, we can help. We have removed countless tanks across the Southeast and returned the sites back to pre-contamination condition.

Whether due to regulatory requirements, property transactions, or redevelopment, owners, operators, and potential purchasers of underground storage tanks may have the need to upgrade, remove, or replace their Underground Storage Tank systems. Don Wood Inc. can provide the following services to assist owners and operators with system changes:
Underground Storage Tank Removal and Closure
Product Piping Removal and Closure
Closure or Change Notification
Underground Storage Tank Compliance Audit
Corrective Action Plan – Part A and Part B
Site Characterization
Groundwater Sampling and Testing
Soil Sampling and Testing
Monitoring Well Installation
Product Recovery
Soil and Groundwater Assessment/Remediation
State Reimbursement Fund Applications
We also provide additional services to assist owners, operators and potential buyers with existing and former Underground Storage Tank systems.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
What are the steps for a proper Underground Tank Removal (UST)
Apply for necessary permits (tank removal, trench permit, etc.)
Notify regulating agency 48-72 hour prior to the removal
Obtain a utility clearance for the work area (identify underground utilities)
Prepare a confined space entry permit & a site-specific health and safety plan
Provide retrieval system, ventilation equipment, supplied air system, communication equipment, personal protective equipment (PPE), lighting, safety barriers, ladders, etc.
Conduct a pre-removal at the site evaluation
Obtain a sample of liquid present within the UST for subsequent analysis to identify proper disposal facility
Remove, transport and properly dispose of regulated product
Excavate to top of UST while stockpiling excavated materials to prevent loss and mixing with other materials until completion of initial soils testing
Remove tank-top appurtenances and associated piping
Preform pre-entry atmospheric testing
Enter tank to clean in accordance with applicable API standards and remove and dispose of non-pumpable tank bottom sludge
Clean tank bottom with absorption pads to remove residual fluids
Arrange a UST inspection with the State Agency
Remove UST from the excavation and place on ground adjacent to the removal location (use plastic to place tank)
Load UST onto truck and deliver to a licensed tank disposal facility
Collect soil samples from the UST excavation area (sidewalls, pit bottom and piping area)
Submit soil samples to a state certify lab
Backfill and compact excavation with clean fill to grade
Restore surface area disturbed during the UST removal
Submit new tank registration to update the state UST database
Provide outcome report including environmental assessment and disposal documentation
What are the steps for a proper Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) Removal
Apply for necessary permits (tank removal, etc.)
Notify regulating agency 48-72 hour prior to the removal
Prepare a confined space entry permit & a site-specific health and safety plan
Provide retrieval system, ventilation equipment, supplied air system, communication equipment, personal protective equipment (PPE), lighting, safety barriers, ladders, etc.
Conduct a pre-removal at the site evaluation
Obtain a sample of liquid present within the AST for subsequent analysis to identify proper disposal facility
Remove, transport and properly dispose of regulated product
Remove tank-top appurtenances and associated piping
Preform pre-entry atmospheric testing
Enter tank to clean in accordance with applicable API standards and remove and dispose of non-pumpable tank bottom sludge
Clean tank bottom with absorption pads to remove residual fluids
Arrange a AST inspection with the State Agency
Load UST onto truck and deliver to a licensed tank disposal facility
In the event the AST is in direct contact with the soil samples an submit to a state certify lab
Submit new tank registration to update the state AST database
Provide outcome report including environmental assessment (if required) and disposal documentation
What is the state of Florida storage tank law?
The applicable rule is Chapter 62-761, F.A.C. for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and Chapter 62-762, F.A.C. for Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs). These are the statewide petroleum storage tank codes for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs), respectively.
Is a special permit require for the removal of storage tanks?
For regulated tank the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) requires a 30-day written notification and 48-hours’ notice prior to the removal in accordance with 62-761 and 62-762, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.)
What kinds of tanks are regulated?
Above ground pollutant storage tanks (ASTs) with capacity greater than 550 gallons. Underground petroleum and hazardous substance tanks (USTs) with capacity greater than 110 gallons. Residential USTs greater than 1100 gallons (Federal Regulation); otherwise, all residential tanks (including but not limited to propane tanks, heating oil tanks, etc.) are exempt from regulation. See section 300 of Chapter 62-761, F.A.C. for applicability and exemptions, and Section 200 for definitions.
How do I dispose of residential heating oil tanks at my house?
These tanks are unregulated, meaning a licensed contractor is not required for removal. However, the tank should be pumped and cleaned prior to the removal, the product (fuel and sludge) remaining in the tanks has to be properly managed, transported and disposed of; a soil assessment should be conducted to determine if a leak has occurred; in the event of a leak, the cleanups are regulated under the cleanup rule, so care must be taken during removal to ensure the safety of the contractor, homeowner, environment and to prevent spills. We recommend that and insured and experienced tank contractors be used for the removals.
What kinds of spills require cleanup?
You must report a fuel sheen or free product in the water or soils, on or near a regulated facility (one with regulated storage tanks); the results of analytical data from soil or groundwater showing concentrations of regulated substances above State guidelines, or the release of 25 gallons of petroleum or petroleum products to soil or other pervious surface, regardless of the source.
If, after a spill or release is reported, our cleanup section determines a contamination problem exists, as defined in Chapter 62-780, Florida Administrative Code, cleanup will be required.